Hackathon Open Data Brussels: List of Available Datasets
The first Hackathon Open Data of Brussels is taking place on October 17th and 18th at transforma bxl. Here is a first list of Brussels focused open data sets that will be available for the participants. The City of Brussels, through it’s Open Data Platform, and the...
A successful 1st edition of the PIE (Positive Impact Entrepreneurs) TIME event at transforma bxl
We were about 40 supporters of a positive impact entrepreneurship for this first edition of PIE-TIME at transforma bxl where we discovered 3 very interesting projects pitched by their initiators. PIE-TIME is a monthly event where initiators of positive impact projects...
En stoemelings, on brasse de la bière à transforma bxl
Sam et Denys ont présenté leur projet “En stoemelings brasserie” et leurs bières artisanales, locales et innovantes brassées chez nous, à transforma bxl. Il s’agissait d’une première présentation réservée à leurs proches, famille et amis, mais bientôt vous pourrez...
Transforma bxl crowdfunding its expension, welcomes Openfab and O’kitchen
It has been a few months now that we have started this crazy project of transforming the previously known “Solvay Sport” club house into a Coworking and Innovation space. We grabbed an amazing opportunity to give a second life to this Expo 58 style building surrounded...