Yana Knight – User Experience Research & Design

My curiosity has led me to explore many places and many creative pursuits. Going into unknown areas, asking what if, spotting things that can be improved. As I observed and tried to understand the world around me, I learnt to code, experiment, tell stories, make my own things. I learnt to be a more effective communicator, be it through words, sketches, code or musical notes. I learnt to understand people better.
Then I asked myself, what if I put all these abilities together and apply them in the commercial world? The growing areas of web, games, online learning are just a few among many that appreciate creativity, empathy, storytelling combined with technical competence. I found an application for my skills in user experience, where people’s stories, exploration and measurable results come together; in technology and programming, where ideas, innovation, cutting edge research and a good eye for detail are essential; in creating playful, effective copy that helps companies connect and engage with their audiences… The list goes on.