Shari Dewannemacker

Hi I’m Shari,
Yes… I know, the name can get a bit confusing and I can’t blame you. Most people usually expect to see an Indian girl when they hear my name. But I confirm: 0% Indian (at least not that I know of…) and 100% Shari.
Professionally, I am active in the field of Marketing and Communication on a freelance basis. My strengths are building a strong brand image; creating great customer experiences; and writing killer copy that attracts customers, readers, subscribers, etc.
Besides that, I am co-founder of Upflats, a project we launched quite recently. Upflats provides business and leisure travelers with high-class short term serviced apartments. We provide the traveler with the comfort of a hotel while having the flexibility of their own flat.
In case you are curious and wish to know more about Upflats, visit our website or simply pass by for a chat.
If you are looking for copywriting for your own project, you know where to find me…