IoT: materialising business cases into value-added products driving growth
Event Details
We will reflect back on the real meaning
Event Details
We will reflect back on the real meaning of IoT for the industry and then illustrate how to generate business value based on real examples
About this Event
IoT…mostly a “buzzword” few years ago, today a – sometimes misconceived – digital trend that every business is considering as part of its digital transformation, and a game changer to bring into the equation for the coming years.
Latest analysts’ reports outlined the fact that while most companies are willing to adopt IoT as found “critical to some or all lines of their business”, leaders & executives feel “there are challenges to creating value from IoT data” because they either are unclear on what IoT exactly means for their business or miss constantly validating the IoT technology (as a tool) with the initial case.
In this workshop/”digital café” we will first reflect back on the real meaning of IoT for the industrry (what and why now) and then illustrate with powerful real-life stories how worldwide companies, from SMBs to large corporates, were able to generate value by materializing thoughtful business cases through leading IoT technology.
Remember: IoT is a complex journey starting from ideation, so fasten your seat belt and get ready for the ride!
David Becquet – Digital Transformer @Software AG, helping companies to turn enterprise data into value-added services & products for profitable business growth.
(Friday) 09:00 - 12:00
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