Workshop: Ethereum for (visionary) Dummies
Event Details
This workshop will give you a general idea
Event Details
This workshop will give you a general idea of why you should get interested in blockchain software development and how you would go about building a simple application.
Who should attend:
This workshop is targeted at software developers, architects and IT decision makers. It will show some code, talk about cryptography, but it will also review the goals and implications of blockchains for software architecture and business models. Note that we will focus mostly on public blockchains here, and more specifically on Ethereum. We will not go into details about the kind of private blockchains that banks are looking into for the moment (Hyperledger, Eris, etc.)
What’s in it for you:
- Understand the origins and philosophy of blockchains
- Position various implementations in the ecosystem
- Get a grasp on various usage scenarios where blockchains are relevant
- Understand the limitations of blockchains and why you might not want to apply them to every single problem out there
- Get a good view on how an open blockchain generally works
- Understand what a smart contract is and what is can do
- Be able to build your own Hello World distributed application on top of Ethereum
Facilitated by:
Sébastien Arbogast has been a full stack software developer for more than 10 years, working with backend technologies such as Java as well as mobile platforms like iOS. For the past year, he has also dived deeper into Ethereum development and shared his experience online on He is now preparing an online training to guide software developers along the way to becoming a distributed application developer on top of the blockchain. He is also a serial speaker for conferences like Devoxx.
(Monday) 18:30 - 21:00
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