workshop : ReTHINK Your Business
Event Details
Description The three-hour ReTHINK Your Business workshop is based
Event Details
The three-hour ReTHINK Your Business workshop is based on three high impact tools for transformation and growth. After learning to use the tools, you will take away a practical strategy for improvement based on a realistic assessment of your business and its potential. In the workshop you will learn how to:
- ReTHINK the value of key products (or services) and key customers
- ReTHINK the strengths and opportunities of your business
- ReTHINK and plan next steps towards your preferred future
You will Define your business in a nutshell, working ‘on’ it as well as ‘in’ it, and Build a clear plan for change, growth or innovation, captured on one page.
“If you want to step outside your business, break it down into segments, conduct some in-depth analysis, remove the clutter and put it back together again, Edgeware training will help you to do this in a methodical, sensitive and caring way.” Ron Murray
The ReTHINK Your Business workshop is built on these powerful tools:
- Product/Market Segmentation. Identifying key products (or services) and key customers, and understanding what connection they have with each other.
- A creative analysis. Looking at strengths and weaknesses from a constructive and forward look perspective.
- Dynamic Planning. Using an assessment of key business strengths and challenges as the basis of an action plan, a ‘To Do’ list capturing key strategies for key outcomes, set out in order of importance.
The ReTHINK tools are designed for immediate application in the business. Once learned, they can be used quickly and efficiently for large or small decisions about the business in general, or about particular projects or goals (like trying out a new product or service, exploring a new market, building a new business case or tweaking the old one). The workshop also creates the unique opportunity to exchange experiences and information with fellow participants.
The workshop team
Michael Doneman is founding director of Edgeware. He has a background in community cultural development which inspired work in business design, vocational education and training, and information technology. He has a coaching practice focused on the value of creativity in the growth of entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, and leaders, and he is developing expertise in the application of Solution Focused coaching and leadership processes to the establishment, growth and enrichment of business practice. Michael is passionately committed to the idea that ethical, creative entrepreneurship can change the world.
Ludmila Doneman is co-founder of Edgeware. She is passionate about working with people whose voices are often unheard – young people, women, migrants, the elderly, and people with disabilities. She has a breadth and depth of skills and experience which continues to inspire and enliven, and to ‘quicken’ community aspirations and goals. This can be seen in the number of organisations she has established, which continue and thrive in their fields. She also has a strong track record in administration and management of organisations and events.
Edgeware Creative Entrepreneurship is an innovative business training and coaching company for startup and established business owners, sole traders, entrepreneurs and community organisations that provides ‘just in time’ training, hands-on tools, and ongoing support to plan, start, effectively manage and grow businesses, community organisations and enterprises. It was founded in Brisbane, Australia, in 2005, and our European partnership was formed in 2015, comprising partners in Switzerland, Denmark and Hungary.
Edgeware’s tools and methods are a stimulating, productive and enjoyable way to improve business outcomes, and very importantly, a way for business owners to enjoy their business as well as profit from it – to make money, have fun, and change the world.
- MAKE MONEY · Is your business financial sustainable?
- HAVE FUN · What brings you joy and meaning in your work?
- CHANGE THE WORLD. What difference do you make?
(Wednesday) 10:00 - 13:00
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